Second Advanced International Colloquium on
Building the Scientific Mind
Vancouver, BC, Canada - May 28-31, 2007


Conference Fee and Payment Modalities

The conference fee can be paid in US dollars, Euros or Canadian dollars
The fees are as follows: US $ 250 or € 200 or Can $ 300

 Note that the fee includes the official colloquium dinner and all lunches, which account for the major proportion of the fee. We have chosen to include these costs in structuring the fee so as to make sure that the opportunity of the colloquium will optimally serve the purpose of community building among the participants.

Payments in US dollars can be made in the following ways:

1. Sending a personal check for the relevant amount, made out to the "Learning Development Institute" and drawable on a US bank, mentioning your name and indicating that the payment is for "BtSM2007." The check should be mailed to either of the the two adjacent addresses. Make sure your letter is postmarked not later than April 1, 2007, for the early registration fee. Please also advise by email to [email protected] when you send your check. 
Learning Development Institute
Attn: BtSM Conference Secretariat
5, rue du Figuier
13630 Eyragues
Learning Development Institute
Attn. BtSM Conference Secretariat
P O Box 2105
Jupiter, Florida 33468
2. Bank transfer of the relevant amount to the US bank account of the Learning Development Institute with the Bank of America (see adjacent instructions), indicating your name and "BtSM2007." Add $ 10 for bank charges for wire transfer.
If you choose this option, please request bank account information by writing to [email protected]
3. On-site payment in cash of by check when collecting your registration materials at the start of the colloquium. If you are unable to use either of the above methods of payment, please explain the reasons so that we can consider the possibility that you pay cash upon arrival.

Payments in Euros can be made in the following ways:

1. Sending a personal check for the relevant amount, made out to the "Learning Development Institute" and drawable on a bank operating in the Euro zone, mentioning your name and indicating that the payment is for "BtSM 2007." The check should be mailed to the adjacent address. Make sure your letter is postmarked not later than April 1, 2007, for the early registration fee. Please also advise by email to [email protected] when you send your check. Please add € 13.50 bank charges for checks from non-French banks.
Learning Development Institute
Attn: BtSM Conference Secretariat
5, rue du Figuier
13630 Eyragues
Bank transfer of the relevant amount to the European bank account of the Learning Development Institute with the Société Générale (see adjacent instructions), indicating your name and "BtSM 2007."
Please add € 3.50 bank charges for transfers from outside France.
If you choose this option, please request bank account information by writing to [email protected]
3. On-site payment in cash of by check when collecting your registration materials at the start of the colloquium. If you are unable to use either of the above methods of payment, please explain the reasons so that we can consider the possibility that you pay cash upon arrival.

Payments in Canadian dollars can be made in the following ways:

Sending a personal check for the relevant amount, made out to the "Emily Carr Institute" and drawable on a Canadian bank, mentioning your name and indicating that the payment is for "BtSM 2007." The check should be mailed to the adjacent address. Make sure your letter is postmarked not later than April 1, 2007, for the early registration fee. Please also advise by email to [email protected] when you send your check.
Emily Carr Institute
Office of the President
Carina Clark
1399 Johnston Street
Vancouver, BC V6H 3R9
Payment by credit card (VISA and MasterCard only). To do so, download and print the MS Word or PDF version of the Authorization Form for Credit Card Charge from the adjacent box, complete and sign it, and fax it following the instructions at the bottom of the form. Please also advise by email to [email protected] when you have faxed the authorization form.
PDF version of
Authorization Form for Credit Card Charge
Word version of
Authorization Form for Credit Card Charge

Cancellations: ALL cancellations must be in writing. There is a US $ 35.00 or € 30.00 or Can $ 45 processing fee, depending on the currency in which the conference fee was paid, for all cancellations received by May 5, 2007. Any refunds for cancellations received after May 5, 2007, cannot be guaranteed as they will depend on financial commitments meanwhile made on your behalf. In case you need to cancel your reservation, please advise immediately the BtSM Colloquium Coordinator by email to [email protected] and request acknowledgement of receipt. Thank you.