Latest update: April 17, 2008
Evaluating the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of international cooperation for sustainable postsecondary education development around the world
- Since the second semester of 2006, the Learning Development Institute (LDI) has engaged, under contract with other organizations, in the evaluation of the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of efforts to develop postsecondary education in different parts of the world through programs financed by the Netherlands Government. Country studies regarding such efforts were carried out in Vietnam (2006) and Yemen (2007). A similar exercise is foreseen to be carried out in Zambia in May/June 2008. Moreover, the Vietnam study of 2006 was part of a global exercise with LDI's involvement to evaluate the entire Dutch effort for competence and capacity building in postsecondary education worldwide. Consistently, the efforts under scrutiny involved the collaboration between institutions of higher learning in the north, particularly The Netherlands, and similar institutions in the south. Sometimes well established partner institutions in the south were part of the collaborative networks.
- LDI's reports of such evaluation studies are being used by key decisionmakers to change policies and practicies based on reliably collected and carefully analyzed evidence.
- For further information or to discuss opportunities to use LDI's experience and capacity to engage in relevant evaluation research, please contact Dr. Jan Visser (jvisser @