Annonce en français plus bas

Latest update: June 7, 2007

Second Advanced International Colloquium on

Building the Scientific Mind (BtSM2007)

Vancouver, BC, Canada - May 28-31, 2007
organized by the
Learning Development Institute
in collaboration with the
Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design
and the
Canadian Commission for UNESCO
under the patronage of the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Learning in the Perspective of Complex and Long-Term Change
Click on the forms and documents below to register for the colloquium; to submit a proposal for a session or activity (deadline April 1, 2007); and to obtain information about payment of the conference fee.
If you use the MS Word versions of the forms, right-click on the relevant form and use the 'save target as' option to place it on your hard drive. Then open it, fill out the various details, save it and email the completed form to [email protected]. For any queries, or to request that we send you the forms by email, please also contact [email protected].
(pdf document)
(information on fees and payments in US$, Euro, or Can$)
(MS Word version)
(MS Word version)
(Web version - deactivated) 
(Web version - deactivated)












The second Building the Scientific Mind colloquium, BtSM2007, will take place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Learning Development Institute (LDI) is pleased to announce that it will be collaborating in organizing the event with the Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design (ECIAD). The adjacent photograph shows an interior view of the Institute. ECIAD is based on Granville Island, a beautiful part of Vancouver and a trendy place for shopping and cultural activities. It is connected to the mainland by a causeway for walkers, bikers and those who choose to use public transport. It can also be reached by water taxi. Like LDI, Emily Carr sees itself as a learning community, one that is devoted to excellence and innovation in the Visual Arts, Media Arts and Design.
ECIAD's offer to host BtSM2007 is not only practical as it allows us to keep the cost of participation low; it is also highly relevant. In the spirit of transdisciplinarity, which we see as an important perspective to overcome some of the crucial shortcomings in the development of human learning, it makes every bit of sense to pursue the dialogue on building the scientific mind in an environment that cherishes the arts.
The previous - and first ever - Advanced International Colloquium on Building the Scientific Mind, BtSM2005, took place from 17 to 20 May 2005. It was organized by the Learning Development Institute in collaboration with the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, The Netherlands, under the patronage of UNESCO. Extensive detail regarding BtSM2005, including papers, slides and sound files, is available elsewhere on this Web site. The success of the first BtSM colloquium, along with the determination and enthusiasm of those who participated in it, is at the basis of the decision to continue the dialogue and enhance it after a two-year interval. Work has thus started to prepare for the 2007 event in Vancouver. The second colloquium will provide an occasion to assess and discuss advances made since the first meeting of the minds in 2005 while at the same time offering the opportunity to explore new angles. Considering the ongoing nature of the dialogue, would-be attendees of BtSM2007 will find it useful to explore the work done in 2005 and to (re)visit the concept paper on The scientific mind in context.
Thus, for the 2007 edition of BtSM we have chosen to focus specifically on exploring the development of a scientific mindset against the backdrop of the theme Learning in the Perspective of Complex and Long-Term Change. The choice of this theme is motivated by the realization that increasingly the challenge of living together on a small planet requires humans at all levels to situate themselves, and the consequences of their actions, within such a comprehensive perspective. Among other resources dealing with this issue, readers of this page and prospective participants in the Vancouver colloquium, may want to read Edgar Morin's Seven complex lessons in education for the future (also available in French as Les sept savoirs nécessaires à l’éducation du futur and in Spanish as Los siete saberes necesarios para la educación del futuro as well as in Arabic).
For practical reasons, the working language of the colloquium will be English. However, we welcome the participation of individuals from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Papers in languages other than English, provided they include a one-page summary in English, may be considered for inclusion in the colloquium proceedings. As simultaneous interpretation will not be available, we strongly recommend that participants prepare their communications in English.
Further detail about BtSM2007 will follow. For the time being we will appreciate hearing from anyone interested in participating and will also welcome ideas that will help us to organize the colloquium in the true spirit of creative collaboration. Emails can be sent to [email protected] with in the subject field BtSM2007 (no spaces).
Among the confirmed keynoters are:
  • eminent French philosopher and scientist Edgar Morin (see above), who addresses the question Is it possible to conceive of a different kind of scientific mind, a new scientific mind?,
  • 2001 Physics Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman, whose keynote has the title Research on how school is nurturing the anti-scientific mind and how this can be changed, and
  • Kalina Christoff, Principal Investigator, Cognitive Neuroscience of Thought Lab, University of British Columbia, who addresses issues concerning Human thinking: Lessons from Neuroscience.
Endorsements for the Building the Scientific Mind colloquia have been received from:
  • Leon Lederman - 1988 Nobel Laureate Physics; Director Emeritus FermiLab; Resident Scholar Illinois Math and Science Academy, and
  • Federico Mayor - President, Fundación Cultura de Paz; former Director-General UNESCO (1987-1999).
Partnership and sponsors
The colloquium is being organized in close collaboration with the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has granted patronage to the Colloquium. The collaborating partners contribute financially, through infrastructure and organizational effort to the event. In addition, sponsorship has been received from the Fundación Cultura de Paz.
Registration, session/activity proposal submission, and payment
See forms and documents above.
Prospective participants in BtSM2007 may want to seek accommodation in any of the hotels listed below, which have been contacted by the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design.
Please note that breakfast is not included in any of the rates listed below.
Granville Island Hotel
50 rooms are being held for BtSM2007 up until 30 days prior to arrival. They have been blocked for the period from May 27 to June 2, 2007. Rates are CAN $ 145 for single plus 10% provincial tax + 7% GST, CAN $ 155 for double plus tax. Guests should make their own reservation and refer to the special rate as agreed with the Emily Carr Institute. This is the best location - right next door to the conference venue and on the beautiful Granville Island itself.
The other hotels listed below (in alphabetical order) are all on the mainland.
Burrard Inn
The Burrard Inn offers special rates to the BtSM2007 colloquium participants as follows: Single CAN $ 99.00; Double CAN $ 109.00; and Twin CAN $ 119.00 + tax. Rates are net and non-commissionable. Delegates can make their reservations directly with the Burrard Inn.
Toll free # 1-800-663-0366. E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 604-681-2331 Fax: 604-6819753.
Delegates must ensure they quote the name of the colloquium "Building the Scientific Mind."
Delegates may extend their stay at the same rates based on availability.
Howard Johnson Hotel
Room rate CAN $ 105 + tax for both single and double occupation. A total of 25 rooms have been blocked at the Howard Johnson for the period from May 27 to June 2, 2007. These rooms are being held up to 30 days prior to the event. Guests should refer to "Building the Scientific Mind" to get this rate if they book by telephone. When booking the hotel online, go to, click the "book now" button and, on the "reservation request" page enter the optional access code 2222 and proceed.
Sylvia Hotel
Their estimated rate for the period of the Colloquium is CAN $ 169 + tax.
Please check their website for rates. Delegates can phone or email the hotel to set up a booking and get a 10% discount when referring to "Building the Scientific Mind" as long as rooms are available.
Check out your preferred online or offline travel agent for alternative hotel options. However, as accommodation in Vancouver tends to be expensive around the dates of the colloquium, we recommend that you make your bookings as early as possible.
For information about what more there is on offer in Vancouver, check out the Web site of Tourism Vancouver.

Announcement in English above


Deuxième Colloque International sur

la formation de l'esprit scientifique (BtSM2007)

Vancouver, BC, Canada - 28-31 mai 2007
organisé par le
Learning Development Institute
en collaboration avec
Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design
et la
Commission canadienne pour l'UNESCO
sous le patronage de
L’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO)
Apprendre dans la perspective des évolutions complexes et à long terme
Cliquez sur la cadre ci-dessous pour accéder au document suivant (en anglais):
Le second Colloque sur la construction de l'esprit scientifique, BtSM2007, se tiendra à Vancouver, dans la province de Colombie-Britannique, au Canada. Le Learning Development Institute (LDI) est heureux d'annoncer que cet événement sera organisé en collaboration avec le Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design (ECIAD). La photographie ci-contre montre une vue intérieure de l'ECIAD, qui est installé sur l'île Granville, un endroit magnifique de Vancouver et un endroit très recherché pour le shopping et les activités à caractère culturel. L'île Granville est reliée au continent par une chaussée réservée aux piétons, aux cyclistes et à ceux qui ont choisi d'utiliser les transports publics. Elle est également desservie par des bateaux-taxis. Tout comme le Learning Development Institute, le Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design se considère comme une communauté d'apprentissage, orientée, dans le cas de l'ECIAD, vers l'excellence et l'innovation en matière d'arts graphiques, de contenu multimédias et de design.
Que l'ECIAD ait proposé d'héberger le colloque BtSM2007 n'est pas seulement très avantageux sur le plan financier, car cela permettra de réduire le montant de la participation aux frais. C'est aussi un partenariat tout-à-fait pertinent. Dans une optique de transdiciplinarité, que nous voyons comme un élément essentiel pour aller plus loin dans le développement de l'apprentissage humain, il est logique qu'un dialogue sur la construction de l'esprit scientifique se déroule dans un lieu voué à la promotion des arts.
Le précédent Colloque international sur le développement d'un esprit scientifique, le BtSM2005, et premier du genre, a eu lieu du 17 au 20 mai 2005. Il a été organisé par le LDI en collaboration avec l'Institut des Sciences Sociales (Institute of Social Studies) de La Haye, en Hollande, sous le parrainage de l'UNESCO. Tous les détails sur le colloque BtSM2005, y compris communications, présentations et enregistrements sonores sont disponibles sur le site Internet du LDI. Le succès de la première édition du colloque BtSM, ainsi que la détermination et l'enthousiasme des participants, sont autant de raisons pour continuer et approfondir le dialogue en organisant un colloque tous les 2 ans. La préparation de la nouvelle édition du BtSM2007 à Vancouver a déjà commencé. Cette deuxième édition sera l'occasion d'examiner le chemin parcouru depuis 2005 et dans le même temps d'explorer de nouvelles perspectives.
C'est ainsi que pour l'édition 2007 du colloque nous avons décidé d'étudier le développement de l'esprit scientifique avec pour toile de fond le thème " Apprendre dans la perspective des évolutions complexes et à long terme ". Le choix de ce thème est motivé par le constat que pour relever le défi toujours plus difficile de vivre tous ensemble sur cette petite planète, les êtres humains doivent apprendre à se penser, et à envisager les conséquences de leurs actions, par rapport à une telle perspective. Parmi les matériaux disponibles sur ce thème, les lecteurs intéressés par une participation au colloque de Vancouver sont invités à se reporter au texte écrit par Edgar Morin, Les sept savoirs nécessaires à l'éducation du futur (également disponible en anglais sous le titre Seven complex lessons in education for the future, en espagnol sous le titre Los siete saberes necesarios para la educación del futuro et enfin en arabe).
Pour des raisons de commodité (surtout en ce qui concerne la réduction des frais de participation), l'anglais sera la langue de travail lors du colloque. Cela dit, nous encourageons la participation d'individus de tous les horizons culturels et linguistiques. Les communications rédigées en d'autres langues que l'anglais seront prises en considération pour figurer aux actes du colloque, à la condition qu'elles comportent un résumé d'une page en anglais. Nous recommandons cependant fortement aux participants de rédiger leur communications en anglais, étant donné l'absence d'interprétation simultanée.
De plus amples détails concernant le colloque BtSM2007 seront prochainement publiés sur ce site Internet. Entre temps, nous serions très heureux d'échanger avec toute personne intéressée à participer au colloque. Nous sommes également à l'écoute de toute idée qui nous permettra d'organiser le colloque dans un esprit à la fois créatif et participatif. Les messages à ce sujet peuvent être envoyés à l'adresse [email protected] en indiquant BtSM2007 (sans espace) comme sujet.
Voir les détails des hotels disponibles et conditions offertes plus haut dans la version en langue anglaise de cette annonce.
Pour plus d'information sur les attraits touristiques de Vancouver, nous recommandons le site Internet Tourism Vancouver.