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UNESCO's activities within Learntec 2002

LEARNTEC 2002, Karlsruhe, Germany

February 4 to 8, 2002

UNESCO's Communication and Information Sector organized in January/February 2001 the "UNESCO Workshop on Distance Education," in conjunction with a panel on "Opportunities for Partnership." The event took place within the framework of LEARNTEC. The success of the 2001 workshop, of which LDI was prinileged to have been part at the invitation of UNESCO, led to a more extensive series of activities in 2002, namely::

LDI was again invited to take part in the activities UNESCO organized in the framework of Learntec 2002. LDI's primary focus was on the Global Forum on Learning Technology: "To Reach the Unreached" for which a paper on Technology, learning, corruption, and the development of mind was prepared. Like the year before, LDI President Jan Visser was also selected to serve as Rapporteur-General for the entire set of three activities.
